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Act II IPC Chilli Surprice 40g

Act II IPC Chilli Surprice 40g


Buy 5+pcs @ 5% Off


Enhance your movie-watching experience, in the comfort of your own home with World’s No. 1  ACT II popcorn. ACT II popcorn is easy to make. In only 3 minutes, enjoy Hot n Fresh n delicious popcorn along with the delightful popcorn aroma. You can choose among different pack sizes such as individual packs, family packs and party packs, as per your need. Relish your favourite ACT II popcorn, now available in various lip-smacking desi flavours such as butter, Sweet Pani Puri, Tandoori Tadka, Southern Spice, Butter pepper as well as international flavours such as Cheese delite, Peri Peri, Thai sweet chilli and Tomato Chili.

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